For the past two years I've recorded snippets of our Christmas day. Here is this years little film, I hope you like it and I hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas.
Chrsitmas is one of my favourite holidays as it's so full of traditions, especially for my family. Each year on Christmas Eve we have a big party with all of our family friends who live near us, we then go outside to the village christmas tree to sing carols with all often locals then have mince pies and mulled wine. After that we come back to the warmth of the house, eat more food, play charades and laugh a whole lot. This year we didn't throw our annual party as half of our guests couldn't come, but hopefully we'll get that tradition up and running next year again. On Christmas day we wake up and go downstairs all together, as we've all gotten older the time has gotten later and later. We open our presents from Father Christmas which have been put in our sacks, then we chill for a bit, go on a walk or watch a movie. We then start on the Christmas meal and help mum, peel, chop, grate or slice vegetables so they are ready to go into the oven. We usually have the meal around 3pm and after that we waddle, belly's full, into the lounge where we open presents which are under the tree. These are ones which we've got for each other or are from relatives. After this we usually have pudding then watch a film, lay by the fire, play a few games and just spend some quality time with each other.
I love hearing about how other people spend Christmas and what their own little traditions are, so comment in the box if you'd like.
Merry Chrsitmas,
Thank you very much! Hope you're all doing great xxx