Smoothie Bowl: Morning Energy

Hello my loves,
How is everybody? Fantabulous I hope.

This morning I made an absolute goddess of a smoothie bowl, seriously this thing was fricken luscious so I thought I'd share it with you all. 


2 Bananas
1 handful of frozen mango
1 handful of oats
A dash of almond milk

I began by blending all of the above together until it was smooth and thick then poured this into a bowl. I made sure only to use a little bit of almond milk as I wanted it to be really thick, if you just fancy the above as a morning smoothie on its own then add a bit more milk. 

I topped the bowl with 2 passionfruit (my weakness), a handful of pumpkin seeds, a sprinkling of chia seeds and half a cup of granola. Then I just gobbled it up to my little hearts content and IT WAS AMAZING!

Try it for yourself and let me know what you thought!

Peace out


1 comment:

  1. I found your blog through comments on WNTLM and I’m so happy I did! Your photos and words are so gently beautiful! Keep doing what you're doing! :)

    Whit xx


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