My city apartment dreams

After a late night conversation with a good friend of mine, with laughter flowing and wine glasses in hand, we got onto the topic of working after graduation and whereabout we think we will be in the world. I'd really like to live in London for a bit after graduating and so does Lizzie, so immediately we clinked glasses and began to gush about how we could live together, make eachother dinner and decorate our flat. All well and good until you take into account Londons extortionate housing market. 

Spirits not dampened, I began to lust over some gorgeous apartments on pinterest and came accross some absolute honeys. I'm imagining pot plants galore, woven colourful rugs and an assortment of prints framed in an eclectic manor. A large open space with a living area and kitchen, white walls to be docorated and old wooden floor, then a mezzanine overlooking the space where I'll create my zen den. I'd have music echoing through the space as I dance barefoot in a flowing dress, eating delicious veggie food before going out to rooftop parties and getting my groove on until the early hours of the morning or chilling out and going to a yoga class in a funky venue and visiting exhibitions with my gal pals. 

Sound good? It does to me. 



  1. Awesome . Did you forget working in your vision ๐Ÿ˜‰ loving the "dancing barefooted " vision . Love you girl ๐Ÿ˜ good luck for your dream . You will do it ๐Ÿ‘

    1. Haha good point, working is a given! Thanks so much xx


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