Birthday Adventures

It was Ben's birthday on the 19th so I decided to get him to drive up to my house in his blue van, which we have to push start, and go for a little adventure. We bundled a couple of blankets and a picnic in the back which smelt of rusty metal and oil, hopped in the front and went for a little drive. 

We laid all the blankets out on the floor just beneath the brow of a hill so we were sheltered from the little wind that there was. The sun was bright as we ate bits of food and I was so grateful to nature that it didn't rain. 

Then we just went a bit crazy in the field. Running round, doing karate kicks and flips and falling over all over the place. We took a few pictures because we're going to Uni in September so wanted something memorable. I'm going to get one of the pictures printed nicely and put it in the wooden frame that I showed you in the earlier post. 

All in all, a crazy day, a happy birthday and a lot of laughter. 

Instagram: alexayo



  1. What fun photos !!! Love this post !!!

    ~ Lu

  2. Wow! The pictures are really beautiful :)


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