Secret Garden Party 2014

I've recently come home from the most insane weekend of my life. Filled with laughter, paint fights, secret passageways to sunflower fields through porter-loos, ice rinks through wardrobes and tiny rave tents through dog sheds, secret garden party festival has been absolutely epic. 

There wasn't a square inch in sight that didn't look surreal and beautiful. Glitter covered almost everyones faces and the crazier the outfit, the better. A haven for bohemian fashion, with lace dresses, hands covered in henna and anklets trailing up ladies legs, I don't think I've ever seen so much style inspiration in once place. 

I took a few disposable cameras just to capture some of the magic however no camera could capture just how mad the weekend was. Hands down the best festival I've ever been to, I'd definitely recommend...

Here are a few of the pictures I took so I hope you enjoy!

If you were at Secret Garden Party Festival I'd love to see your pictures or hear what you thought of it.

If you're interested in seeing the official photos ( please do, you're mind will be blown) then visit the Secret Garden Party website… or just click here.

Follow me on Instagram for more pictures etc: alexayo



  1. These photos are so so happy, I love it!

    1. Aw thank you, it was a very happy weekend :)

  2. Wow, what a great time! I couldn't image how fun that would have been! "secret passageways to sunflower fields" ahh that makes me daydream...

    Tiffany |

    1. It was amazing, you should definitely make the trip over to the UK for next years festival!


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