Trent Snowspnorts does Val Thorens

I'm Back. I'm exhausted. I have a bruise the size of my head on my butt. I'm happy and I'm finally home!

I spent the week in Val Thorens which is in the French Alps. I'd usually choose to ski but I thought I'd give snowboarding a go this week and I don't think i'll actually go back to skiing. It was definitely harder to learn than skiing but so worth it. Began to absolutely love the feeling of doing a full run, carving from side to side and just feeling totally free, so sick. I got up for the first lift every day bar one which was quite an achievement then slept in the afternoon then we all went out to different bars and clubs each night where things got a veeerrry messy. Dancing on tables, rein-acting dirty dancing in the middle of clubs, pretending to be way more gangster than I am and generally dancing like an absolute loon. I had a really bad cold the whole week which I really wish I hadn't had as It just sucked but it's going now so all is good. Altogether an absolutely insane week filled with a mad amount of fancy dress, some ridiculous dares, awesome people and lots of laughter. 

I didn't take a huge amount of photos because I didn't bring my camera with me but here are some which were taken. Enjoy...


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