Photography A-level project

I'm doing my A-levels at the moment and one of those is photography. I've always had a liking for photography, especially making props and sets for shoots. A recent project we've had was a free brief. I chose to focus mine on 'insects'. I made oversized insects out of things lying around the house like balloons, wire, paint etc etc you get the jist.

I decided to use a disposable camera in my project as they are one of my many guilty pleasures. I think that although they're ridiculously easy to use (unless you have a broken finger) I think they make the photographer think about composition more than they would if using a digital camera. I love the mystery of not knowing what the image looks like. 

Although the quality of the images is not incredible, blowing my mind, the best there is, I actually really like the way they've turned out. These are a few of the images, hope you're a liking'

I imagined my model as a soldier, looking proud of her kill. The sand was made slightly red to signify the spiders death. 

Ain't you a pretty lady


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