
Getting a blog started is tough, or am I the only one thinking that? There's a hidden pressure to make it look good, and read well... I'm struggling with both. Lets just say that I hope it will improve in the near future. 

For the past few months I have been falsely proclaiming myself as a 'blogger', just because I have a tumblr. I realised that I wasn't blogging as such, I was just 're-blogging' other peoples images hoping that it would give me my own identity, and sure there's nothing wrong with that...I just wanted to start actually writing down my thoughts and sharing my own and others images of the things I love. 

I'm Alexa, a wee English country girl with big hopes of becoming a fashion set designer. I'm into the weird and the wonderful as well as everything in between. I've been looking for a blog which pays tribute to the amazing set design within the fashion world and just haven't really found one that ticks all the I decided to try and make one myself. Let the journey begin.

P.s  That's me.



  1. Thank you for this you lovely lady! I'm sorry for the late reply, I'm usually a lot quicker, I've been surfing all weekend so haven't been on the web all weekend. Starting a blog is a daunting, scary experience but also crazy exciting, we even have the same layout haha. I love yours, keep going honey :) x

  2. Love love your blog! I found you here while reading through Ella Grace Denton's blog and yours has a similar feel to it which I absolutely L O V E! hehe looking forward to your further posts! x


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